Monday, December 31, 2007

tripping clever

I've put over ninety hours over the last couple weeks in this newest website design, since Dec.19 till today, oh fateful new years eve, and I am nowhere near finishing... the links on the first pages.

A total of 6 designs have been completed and discarded as possible introduction pages, link design and section introduction. Simplicity and complexity have both been weighed against each other in the design of the site. Whatever theme that I choose will be consistent throughout the site- link setup and navigation, as well as frames in frames in frames.

I feel like Alice and I've fallen down the web-site hole.

For every option of how to setup a title bar, there are how many buttons and where, past general layout there is a spectrum of colour schemes to choose from.

And every button design that my mind could possibly conceive.

I think what frustrates me most is that I find it hard to keep track as to what direction I'm taking with the site, and which graphics are the most current. Keeping it all in order is contrary to the chaotic creativity that I think I purposely do not delete old files to keep myself from feeling too organized.

Eccentric disorganization is the mother of my inventions.

With something like a website, I can only brainstorm a design so far, so in effect, this is a very time consuming effort and I am a demanding client- each possibility is created and dismantled.

Reminds me of Lego.

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