I have taken this productive streak seriously, and I am starting projects that I never would have before. It permeates every part of my life now; everything is less chaotic- I feel that it's coming into a certain balance now that is allowing unmitigated growth. As it pertain to art and it's affiliated activities, not only has a new website been named and created, but this blog has me channeling my frustrations and inspirations.
I have few resources when it comes to art critique and web design; and find it difficult to get meaningful reviews. I am a harsh critic, I don't take second standard and push my capabilities every time I create something. That is my creed.
From the new site's conception a few weeks ago to it's naming and blogging these trials and tribulations as small as they may be, made me realize I am not alone.
I am an [aspiring] artist.
I need constant feedback.
I want support from fellow creative minds.
I want to collaborate on projects.
I need to connect with like-minded people.
I need a community to share with.
I'm not the only one who feels this way so decided to create a nurturing environment where artist of all types could gather, share and be inspired by everything around them.
A community that could connect from studios and work spaces everywhere; and whose goal was to help each other develop and grow. Artists' friends and family would be welcome to come and see what each of us have created. All of us have something to offer, so if we come together, we can benefit from each others skills.
The more time I spend working on setting up 'home', the more I realize that we can really help each other.
With an idea of getting all creative people and their friends and family to join in a six degrees of separation-invitation style, that we could have a diverse group with many skills. In between all of us, there are projects and events that we could be a part of, and help each other succeed.
Writers and illustrators
Cover art for musicians
Logos and layouts for starting entrepreneurs
Photographers for events
The options are endless...
... we probably have come across at least one situation, where if we knew a creative mind, they would have been asked and not a 'professional.'
We would present them the opportunity to shine.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Forum - An Artist's Community
Sunday, January 13, 2008
almost there
It's amazing what a difference that 10 days can make, your determination and mid set is more focused and in turn your goal are that much clearer- at least that is that case for me.
Once I got past the chicken/egg dilemma that naming and creating a site can be.
I'd made what I hoped would be the final (base) version of design for background, navigation, buttons and type styles. Without a firm website name could not continue as a website name needs to reflected in the site.
If it website were myname.com then this imagery association is not necessary- but with a name like darkart or thevisions or crookeddesign I would need an appropriate background or imagery that would be commonly associated with it.
So now I have two names; SpookyArtistry.com is my parent site- all of my archived, past and current work is displayed. I also picked up SpookyArtistree.com which will become a division that shows handmade Trees of all sizes and design.
The Potato Tree Factory will have a select few still shown in Artistry, but the series will be moved.
Along with PTF, the tree models will be displayed. Currently there are 5 and 14 inch models, or varying design, and expecting to complete by summer '08 will be a 3-4 foot handmade tree.
These 'full size' trees will be available for custom order... but let's make sure they look good that big.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Making progress
I've just moved passed second level menu's on my website design and graphics... and I think I may have to take a step back- hopefully not a few.
I made two sections, partially obvious through separate but related titles and seamless artwork.
'Nightmares' contains dark, violent and provocative imagery and prose.
'Daydreams' explores shades of grey, but never strays into the light.
I created my first site in 1998; and it had to be black background with artful design and no concept of web navigation or coding.
It's second major surgery saw the removal of 'sketches' and random drawings or no import. The background became white and with this 'enlightenment' I set out to learn about design, and second stage web programming including hyperlinks' properties, and simple frames. Whatever basic knowledge I could glean was forefront.
This time site is going through a metamorphosis. This new home reflects the level of dedication that I wish to portray- it is a portfolio of my current level of skill and interests.
The aesthetics and navigation of the site are improving as each little piece is reinvented into something unrecognizable from it's former self. This makes me take a step back as I review content and graphics to see if I am satisfied, and I find I am not.
There is old content that although I am proud of, the prose is elegant but it is youthful- full of love and anger from one that hadn't tasted either fruit.